ID Quote Author Game
2093 I really want a long boi now. SatchelSoftpaws World of Warcraft
2092 It's so expensive! SatchelSoftpaws World of Warcraft
2091 You mess with the honk, you get the bonk. SatchelSoftpaws Forza Horizon 5
2090 Then you do a murder. That's the event. GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2089 You can't be summoned from our future. GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2088 I procced 418 on his pants. GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2087 USE YOUR BRAINS, MAN! GhostfromTexas Forza Horizon 5
2086 I am definitely caddie material! SatchelSoftpaws Forza Horizon 5
2085 It was. . . it was a free car! Don't be mad! SatchelSoftpaws Forza Horizon 5
2084 OMG it's mah birthday, give me pwesents! GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2083 You can't make up quotes! This isn't Fox News! GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2082 It my bwirthday where my pwesents? GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2081 Enough with the thinking already and just do it! GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2080 Scootin' n' Nootin' GhostfromTexas Forza Horizon 5
2079 "Satchel, have you gone full Stupid?" Satchel, <stammers incoherently> GhostfromTexas Forza Horizon 5
2078 It's time . . . . To Stupid! GhostfromTexas Forza Horizon 5
2077 Time to die, Me! GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2076 I'm proud of my Pally heritage. GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2075 Gonna Lust the Worm! GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft
2074 Ain't doing that to me! Nuh uh! GhostfromTexas World of Warcraft